
Density Labs MK-677 UK Ibutamoren + RAD-140 Testolone 4 Week Cycle

Original price was: £95.00.Current price is: £85.00.

Availability: In Stock

60 Caps of 10mg
RAD – 140 Testolone

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**Phoenix Supplement Store | MK-677 UK + RAD-140 SARM Stack | 60 Capsules**

Phoenix Supplement Store offers a powerful SARM stack that combines two of the most effective compounds on the market: MK-677 and RAD-140. This potent combination is designed to supercharge muscle growth, boost strength, and optimize body composition. Let’s explore the unique benefits of each compound and how they work together in this dynamic stack.

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

MK-677 UK , also known as Ibutamoren, is widely recognized for its ability to increase lean muscle mass while reducing body fat, particularly visceral fat. It mimics ghrelin, a hormone that raises growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels in the body, while also lowering cortisol, the stress hormone.

**Key Benefits of MK-677:**
– **Increases Growth Hormone & IGF-1 Levels:** Amplifies muscle growth and overall anabolic effects.
– **Promotes Muscle Mass & Strength Gains:** Supports significant increases in lean muscle.
– **Reduces Fat Mass:** Helps decrease body fat while preserving muscle mass.
– **Enhances Bone Mineral Density:** Strengthens bones and lowers the risk of fractures.
– **Improves Sleep Quality & Wellbeing:** Enhances recovery and overall mood.
– **Lowers Cortisol Levels:** Reduces stress and its impact on the body.
– **Supports Healing of Tendons, Joints, and Ligaments:** Accelerates recovery from injuries.
– **No PCT Required:** Does not require post-cycle therapy, making it easy to use.

### RAD-140 (Testolone)

RAD-140, also known as Testolone, is engineered to significantly boost muscle gains, strength, and endurance. It’s one of the most potent SARMs available, second only to Ligandrol, and is highly anabolic with minimal androgenic effects. RAD-140 is ideal for those seeking rapid muscle growth without resorting to anabolic steroids, offering results comparable to testosterone.

**Key Benefits of RAD-140:**
– **Dramatic Increases in Lean Muscle Mass:** Facilitates quick and substantial muscle gains.
– **Enhanced Strength & Explosive Power:** Improves performance in both weightlifting and endurance activities.
– **Improved Muscular Endurance & Stamina:** Allows for more intense and prolonged workouts.
– **Highly Anabolic:** Boasts a 90:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio, making it more anabolic than testosterone.
– **Minimal Androgenic Side Effects:** Delivers powerful results without the common side effects associated with anabolic steroids.

### Phoenix Supplement Store – The Ultimate SARM Stack

**Dosage: MK-677 10mg | RAD-140 10mg | 60 Capsules**

**Key Benefits:**
– Combines two of the most effective SARMs for lean bulking.
– Promotes rapid muscle size and strength gains.
– Elevates growth hormone levels for enhanced anabolic activity.
– Offers a highly anabolic alternative to testosterone with fewer side effects.

Phoenix Supplement Store’s MK-677 + RAD-140 SARM stack is the perfect choice for athletes and bodybuilders looking to maximize muscle-building potential while minimizing unwanted fat.